This communication-centre allows you to always have perfect control over your system from wherever you are and to maximise its performance. Simply access your system via our Victron Remote Management (VRM) portal, or access it directly, using the optional GX Touch screen, a Multi-Functional Display (MFD) or our VictronConnect app thanks to its Bluetooth capability.
Remote Console on VRM
Monitor, control and configure the Cerbo GX remotely, over the internet. Just like if you were standing in front of the device, using Remote Console. The same functionality is also available on the local network LAN, or using the WiFi Access Point of the Cerbo GX.
Perfect monitoring & control
Instantly monitor the battery state of charge, power consumption, power harvest from PV, generator, and mains, or check tank levels and temperature measurements. Easily control the shore power input current limit, (auto)start/stop generator(s) or change any setting to optimise the system. Follow up on alerts, perform diagnostic checks and resolve complications remotely.
Simple mounting and configuration
The Cerbo GX is easily mountable and can also be mounted on a DIN-Rail using the DIN35 adapter small, (not included). Its separate touchscreen can be bolted on a dashboard, eliminating the need to create perfect cut-outs (like with the Color Control GX). Connection is easy via just one cable, taking away the hassle of having to bring many wires to the dashboard. The Bluetooth feature enables a quick connection and configuration via our VictronConnect app.
Cerbo GX MK2 – what are the differences?
It’s the same enclosure, and almost the same electronics; except for:
Two fully functional CAN bus ports, called VE.Can 1 and VE.Can 2, instead of one VE.Can and one BMS-Can port.
VE.Can 1 is isolated. On previous models, there was no isolated canbus port.
RJ-45 sockets have been rotated 180 degrees, so its easier to take the cables out.
All three USB ports are fully functional. Instead of two functional and one for power (to a GX Touch) only.
Digital inputs can do pulse counting.